When it comes to oral health, many people are not good at taking care of themselves, and this alone can get in the way of living a healthy life. To put it simply, being healthy is the key to achieving your goals. Therefore, your first and foremost priority should be practicing good hygiene, and on top of the list is dental health. It is essential to brush your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride at least twice a day and floss regularly to keep them strong and away from bacteria.
But, even after knowing that much, people forget to pay the attention their teeth need, which can lead to complications and eventually loss of teeth. One of these complications is tooth decay. In this article, we’ll discuss the significance of good oral hygiene and what happens if you don’t keep up with that routine. Keep reading!
What exactly is tooth decay?
Our bodies are full of microorganisms, especially our mouth, which is home to six billion bacteria. Some of them are good for your health, others cause harm and we need to remove them regularly. Otherwise, they keep feeding on the starch and sugar you consume from drinks or meals and turn them to acid (plaque) that covers your teeth.
Tooth decay happens when that acid eats away enough minerals from your enamel that it starts damaging your teeth. If you let this happen, there will come a time when this irritation turns into gum disease. Now, it doesn’t mean you should quit drinking sodas or eating sugary meals – every once in a while is perfectly all right!
With that being said, let’s find out a little about the stages of tooth decay:
Initial demineralization and enamel decay
The exterior layer of teeth is enamel, which is the toughest tissue in our body. The earliest indicator of tooth decay is the loss of minerals in this region. A white spot on one of your teeth may appear at this stage. If the decay process continues, you may observe that white spot darkening to a brownish tint. Tooth decay can also lead to cavities that are little holes in your teeth.
Dentin decay and pulp damage
The dentin is the layer of tissue that lies underneath the enamel. You may experience sensitivity when the dentin is impacted by tooth decay, especially while eating or drinking hot or cold food. The pulp is the tooth’s deepest layer. It might become inflamed, leading to discomfort.
How To Avoid Tooth Decay?
It all begins with good dental hygiene, where you must brush twice a day, especially after consuming sugary meals. Rinse your mouth regularly with fluoride containing mouthwash, and if you think you’ve developed a cavity, visit our dental clinic in Scarborough and prevent losing your teeth. If you have a sweet tooth, eat sugary meals in moderation and reduce the number of sodas you drink in a week to a bare minimum.