Hyperdontia is a condition where there are too many teeth in the mouth. It is usually not painful, but it can lead to severe complications and cause extreme pain and swelling. In most cases, people have 20 baby teeth that grow during childhood and 32 permanent teeth to replace them. However, some people develop extra teeth, which dentists refer to as “supernumerary” teeth. One or more supernumeraries may appear in various parts of the mouth. The extra teeth can be baby or permanent. Hyperdontia is twice as common in adult males as it is in females.
Hyperdontia may not produce any symptoms in the beginning. When signs and symptoms occur, these can include
- Misaligned teeth
- Difficulty chewing
- The appearance of crowded teeth
- Toothache
- problems cleaning the teeth, which could lead to gum disease
There is no clear cause of hyperdontia. It’s thought that a genetic factor in hyperdontia causes a carrier of the mutated gene to develop more teeth. Environmental factors and the overactivity of the dental lamina during tooth formation are also plausible reasons. The dental lamina is a layer of cells that initiates the formation of tooth germs, which eventually become the tooth.
The treatment of hyperdontia depends on its’s type and position. It also depends on the supernumeraries’ effect on the nearby teeth. Some cases of hyperdontia don’t need treatment. Instead, your dentist will keep an eye on them and take an X-ray when necessary.
It is crucial to detect, evaluate, and treat supernumerary teeth as soon as possible since the other regular teeth will present both cosmetic and functional problems. As most supernumerary teeth cause clinical issues, treatment generally removes the teeth when possible.\
If you are facing any issues with your oral health, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Checkups are usually very affordable. Prevention is better than cure; get your teeth checked by a professional without delay. Call 416-321-3268 or click here to book an appointment online with our Scarborough dental office: https://drsalimkapadiadental.com/online-appointments/