Tooth erosion is caused by the wearing away of tooth enamel. Enamel is a strong material that coats and protects the tooth’s surface. Sensitivity to warmth and cold is one of the signs of tooth erosion.
Some common symptoms of tooth erosion are discoloration, tooth sensitivity, rounded teeth, transparent or sandblasted appearance, cracked tooth, erosion lesions and extreme sensitivity.
Enamel erosion can be caused by:
- Phosphoric and citric acids from too many soft drinks
- Some acids in fruit drinks are more erosive than battery acid
- Sour foods or candies containing a lot of acids
- Dry mouth or low saliva flow (xerostomia)
- A diet high in sugar and starches
- Acid reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Medications (antihistamines, aspirin, vitamin C)
- Genetics (inherited conditions)
Treatment and prevention
Your dentist can assist you with specific procedures if you’ve had extensive tooth erosion. The most common treatment is dental bonding. Bonding is a technique that involves applying a tooth-coloured resin to damaged or broken teeth. The wax can hide discolorations while guarding your teeth. Your dentist may also use a veneer or crown over your damaged teeth to prevent additional deterioration in challenging situations.
Enamel erosion is best treated by preventing it from occurring in the first place. Even if you already have some enamel erosion, excellent dental hygiene can help you prevent it from getting worse.
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